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Partnering with High Bit Security

Home - IT Security Consultants - PCI-DSS Consultants - Healthcare IT Consultants- Business Acquisition Consultants - Data Centers

PCI-DSS QSAs and Consultants.

High Bit Security has many years of experience in the performance of penetration testing for PCI compliance. We know how to work with our piece of the project, how to construct reports that include all of the relevant information, and how to lay out that information in a way that makes it easy for auditors to locate. We have specific reporting templates for PCI-DSS, just for that purpose.

PCI-DSS is a compliance mandate that requires testing of production systems, and we are deeply committed to testing techniques that address safety and stability concerns.

We also know that your clients are facing a compliance date, and need to meet a deadline. We work with many QSA firms and independent consultants, and look forward to hearing from you!

Just send us a quick note using the contact form above.