We Cover All Major Penetration Testing Compliance Mandates.
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We Support all Major US, State, and Financial Industry Compliance Mandates.

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We cover all Major US, State and Financial Industry Compliance mandates and regulations.

The methodologies covered elsewhere in this section are fully compliant with PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and federal guidlines such as NIST SP800-115.

We also cover recent State regulations such as New York States recent Cyber Security Regulations, see our page on New York State Department of Financial Services Cybersecurity Regulations, 23 NYCRR 500 for details. If you need help meeting the penetration testing requirements of any major compliance mandate, contact us. We can help.

State legislatures have been quite busy with cybersecurity bills in the past couple of years, with most states passing breach notification laws and other cybersecurity legislation. While none of these state initiatives except New York currently set any requirements for penetration testing or vulnerability assessments that impact private industry, all of them show increasing involvement at the state level. We are watching developing state and national legislation closely, particularly in regard to active information security assessment mandates.

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