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Partnering with High Bit Security

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Health Care IT Consultants.

High Bit Security has many clients in the Health Care industry, from large hospitals and labs to very small clinics and offices. We perform a lot of penetration tests in this space, and the HIPAA/HITECH mandates and penalties, along with continuing bad press about the Health Care industry security posture, is driving more penetration testing activity every year.

HIPAA/HITECH takes in a lot of ground in terms of the size and type of clients who are effected by it. Your client may have a full IT staff including information security personnel, and be well informed and able to understand every aspect of a penetration test. Your client may also be a small office, without a single person who knows the difference between an IP address and a domain name. We understand the predicament you are sometimes in.

We have devoted years to developing solid client communication, we are familiar with the challenges of this industry, and we also know how to work with you, the consultant. Together, we can get your client through it, whether it's a large client or a small one.

Just send us a quick note using the contact form above.